Tuinen Van Eden
‘Hand-Crafted’ Visuals for Triple Living’s New Residential Complex
Positive change

Have you ever realized that if you talked to others honestly, listened to them carefully or held communion with yourself, you would recognize a noticeable positive change in people’s attitude towards the importance of nature’s presence and the connection with nature?
Perhaps, it is inevitable that as we grow older, we tend to feel that we want to get rid of useless artificial things, and we are eager to connect to people and to nature more.
It seems, as time goes by, we are re-discovering things that really matter in life, therefore, truly meaningful things are regaining their values.
Part of Nature

At the same time, though, we become more and more keen on doing things for the sake of our convenience. One of the most common features of middle-aged people is that we want to be able to enjoy anything a city and urban life can offer, we want to reach our workplaces easily, and yet, be able to relax in a calm and comforting environment when a long working day is over. Also, providing freedom for our children to enjoy their childhood and to be able to play in a safe and green surrounding becomes a top preference.
Gardens of Eden

Natural materials

When ZOA started working on the architectural images, the starting point was to emphasize their minimalist design and the natural materials that blend harmoniously into the landscape, rather than to oppress them with twisted camera angles and extreme lighting solutions.
The renderings are coherent and in a way, complement each other, the same way the buildings complement each other and their surroundings.
Hand-crafted renderings

From a 3D artists’ point of view, working on such environments and creating realistic brick material can be a very challenging task, as in order to reach a believable result, one has to pay special attention to the structure of the surfaces.
What makes this case even more special is that 30 different brick types were handcrafted and then painted one by one, similarly to the wall joints that were also applied individually.
In addition, we had to keep in mind that plants are unique. If vegetation has such a determining role on an image, variation is essential. We’re so lucky to have such patient artists with great stamina working with us.
Teamwork at its best

On the other hand, if a project consists of a lot of images, leadership, organization, flexibility and great teamwork become even more important than usual.
We are proud to say that for us, finding the best solutions is not only restricted to the quality of the images, but covers the whole process. This is why although we take our workflow very seriously, we are not stubborn to bring new ideas in and we are open to redesigning ourselves.
We are aware that every client, every project and every artist is different. And we honestly believe that the beauty lies in these nuances.
Project details

Antwerp, Belgium
Balázs Balogh
Ákos Karancz
Dániel Oláh
Botond Sass
Fabio Tavola